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"Up until I was 30, I always struggled to put on muscle mass and was always very thin. After 30, I put on mass, but also hovered around 18% body fat for years. I’ve been working with Renan for 9 months and as a 36 year old man am finally in love with my body and the opportunity to make it better every day. Renan tailored multiple workout plans and meal plans for me to accommodate my frequent international travel schedule, allowing for a ‘plug and play’ of workout and diet dependent on my dynamic schedule. The twice monthly check-ins are thorough, thoughtful, and have given me the discipline needed to get to the point of loving the way I look."

(Ryan - Houston, TX)

"Renan not only details the grams/types of food and timing of sets in the plans. He also explains why and gives me tools to make it easy to follow. Changes start to happen at the first check in and Renan immediately adjusts. I got sick and injured and Renan quickly instructed me on how to rest and recover. After 3 months I feel healthier, younger, and happier. I can’t wait to continue my journey with Renan!"

(Yao - Houston, TX)
"I knew I was in good hands when Renan asked me what foods I was eating on  a daily basis and basically kept the same stuff I was already accustomed to make my meal plan with.
He made my dieting so much easier since all my meals were foods that I loved and ate regularly. He is always available to answer any questions about the program and if you have any doubts about proper form or how to do any exercise on your program… he has videos to show you exactly how to execute each exercise or you can even send him your video performing the exercise to give you his feedback or recommendations.
Reaching the best shape of my life guided and mentor by one of the best fitness coaches out there and we strive for more."
(Jean Carlos - San Antonio, TX)

"I've been working with Renan for 6 months, but most people who see my progress pictures guess that it took years to achieve my physique transformation. His intelligence and deep understanding of the science behind bodybuilding have been instrumental in my progress. His passion, dedication, and ability to inspire trust make every check-in impactful. I highly recommend his coaching to anyone looking to transform their physique through cutting-edge science and non-judgemental feedback."

(Kristof - San Francisco, CA)

"Every so often, you might look back and think, "I'm so glad I did that." For me, that was deciding to team up with Renan. Renan has been absolutely instrumental in getting my body back in shape after a grueling multi-year injury. I had felt lost at the gym, shocked by an increasing body fat percentage, and disorganized and unsuccessful with my nutrition. Renan quickly understood this and that I didn't want to waste any time in getting back in shape. I put my complete trust in Renan, and he has delivered 150%. Renan designed a program that was challenging yet realistic. He has been honest with me about what it will take to achieve my goals, attentive to my progress, and supportive throughout. I've learned so much from him and made positive changes in so many aspects of my health. We've made significant progress in just three months, and it’s truly just the beginning."

(Jordan - San Francisco, CA)

"I’ve been lifting since college and have always been pretty strong and known my way around the gym with good form and intensity. But I never had diet and other factors dialed in. You could tell I worked out and looked muscular, but I was also carrying around a lot of fat. 


After starting working with Renan, my body has transformed. My body fat is the lowest it has been ever and my body composition is finally getting to where I want it. 


Renan is super knowledgeable and always provides thoughtful responses to questions. He’s ready to go a step above, and give you individual attention when you need it. I’m so happy I started working with him."

(Jim - New York City, NY)
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"Working with Renan has been incredibly positive and rewarding. I appreciate his style of coaching, highly detailed program, and the undeniable results! When I first spoke with Renan about coaching, I was immediately comfortable and at ease. His positivity and honest communication style is reflected in his collaborative and encouraging approach to coaching, which he balances with firm, confident, and knowledgeable direction.

His comprehensive program is highly detailed and accessible, and he listens, and is responsive to, the changing demands of life. Renan’s commitment to this work is clear in his consistent ability to envision and pursue a clear goal, and our results are proof!"

(Nate - Chicago, IL)

"I started my muscle-building journey with Renan through a 1:1 Zoom call and I immediately understood that Renan, through his detailed questions, wanted to have the best idea possible of who I am, my lifestyle (work, business trips) and my expectations.

I really appreciate the teamwork feel from his approach. I also find it fascinating how he is able to caliber and constantly modify my plan through his diet app according to my goals and my progress. 

I always thought that getting a six-pack and adonis belt were unachievable and quite frankly I was convinced we were never going to win this challenge. I was wrong: in less than 3 months I leaned up in a very healthy way and I can finally see the abs I always wanted. 

We are now switching our focus to building bigger muscles while keeping my beloved abs. I am very excited and I feel absolutely safe in Renan's hands. Now I know that I should not put limits to my expectations: everything can be achieved when you work well on it and most of all with criteria. Thank you Renan!"

(Simone - London, UK)
"Renan has all the qualities you want from an online coach. He not only designs effective plans tailored specifically for my goals, but also is attentive and responds quickly to any questions or concerns that I have.  


I’m in the best shape of my life working with Renan and we’re only going to keep on getting better and better!"

(Jeff - Los Angeles, CA)

"I have been working with Renan for six months now, and I am finding the experience to be really eye opening.

Renan is extremely understanding of the different and sometimes difficult situations you may be in while working with him and accommodates accordingly.


I wanted to make sure that I could be myself with a coach and thought that Renan would be a safe and judgment free coach through the research I did ahead of time. I am happy to say that is the exact experience that I am getting while working with him.


If you want to start a reasonable fitness journey, I greatly recommend working with Renan to complete your goals."

(John - Roseville, MN)
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"I cannot say enough about how much Renan has improved not only my fitness journey but many other aspects of my life. With Renan's guidance I have been able to transform my body and develop lifelong strategies for maintaining a healthier lifestyle.
Renan is very communicative and really listens to your concerns; he also builds a plan that is not only tailored to your goals but also manageable for the realities of a busy life. Since working with Renan, I am in the best shape of my life and can't wait to keep reaching new goals with him"
(Kit - Los Angeles, CA)
"I am an experienced lifter who's hired a handful of different coaches over the years. I can confidently say that I've never had one that has given as much attention to detail as Renan does. When I first received my plan from him, I was shocked at how in depth and personalized it was. 

I started seeing tangible results in just a few weeks, and so did my friends. I can't wait to enter the next phase of my training with him!


With Renan you really get the sense that he's as invested in your goals as you are, because in addition to being extremely knowledgeable and experienced, he's passionate about fitness. I would recommend him to anybody who's serious about improving their physique."

(Corey - Los Angeles, CA)
"Have you ever had that feeling that you sort of know what you’re doing but something doesn’t quiet click? That was me before working with Renan. Yes, I knew how to lift, yes I would track macros, but with Renan I had confidence. I knew exactly what to do & when (types of lifts, food timing, nutrition, rest) as well as receive bi weekly updates to course-correct & push me forward based on the results he saw.


Working with Renan made things simple - do this and you will see results & get the body you want. Period. The ability to take the guess work out and get coached with an expert has definitely taken my fitness to not just “the next level” in a few months, but put me on the trajectory to achieve my dream body. "

(Luke - Los Angeles, CA)
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"Initially, I approached Renan wanting to gain muscle mass. It would have been all too easy for him to put together a plan to do just that - eat big and lift heavy; but, instead he put me through a cutting diet (the exact opposite of my goals), before gradually building back calories and tweaking the workouts to keep increasing strength. The result is that (after only 3 months!) I have far more muscle mass and definition than I did even though I’m 8 lbs lighter!"
(Matt - Los Angeles, CA)

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"Before I met Renan, I always believed that training was everything, and that the difference between me and real bodybuilders was that they were on dangerous levels of steroids or had access to some magic cycle that only the elite know about. 


Renan really showed me that it’s the consistent and correct combination of training, diet and supplements that makes all the difference. With his help, I feel better and look more jacked than ever at 47 years old!"
(Sven - Los Angeles, CA)

"Renan's guidance has helped make a huge difference in my physical fitness, strength, and confidence in the span of a month. I've long struggled with a sedentary lifestyle & body image issues and have spent a lot of time attempting to address them, with varying levels of success. 

I've made more sustainable changes in the first month working with Renan than I ever have on my own. Having an attentive and accessible fitness pro on hand to correct my mistakes and share his own plans, tips, and experiences has put me on the right path - and we're just getting started!"
(Will - Asheville, NC)
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"From the start, Renan showed me his professionalism by asking the right questions and details. He follows up really regularly and keeps you updated if something needs to be changed. 

After 6 weeks, I have already received a lot of feedback from people that my body changed. And I noticed incredible results myself.


I really recommend working with Renan, the way he describes the exercises, and their sequence brings the training routine to another level. If you are not familiar with an exercise you can always send him a video of your workout and he will advise about what to change for killing it."

(Nicolas - Toronto, Canada)
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